ULTRALYTICS مسرد المصطلحات

الانتباه الذاتي

Discover the power of self-attention in AI, revolutionizing NLP & CV. Learn how it enhances context understanding and application performance.

Self-attention is a fundamental mechanism in modern machine learning models, especially in the field of natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV). It allows models to weigh and focus on different parts of the input data selectively, making it highly effective for tasks that require understanding the context and relationships between elements in the data.


The self-attention mechanism calculates a weighted representation of the input sequence by comparing each element with every other element in the sequence. This approach enables the model to capture dependencies regardless of their distance in the sequence, which is particularly beneficial for tasks like machine translation, text generation, and image segmentation.

How Self-Attention Works

In the self-attention mechanism, three vectors are computed for each element in the input sequence: Query (Q), Key (K), and Value (V). These vectors are used to calculate attention scores, which determine the importance of each element relative to the others.

  1. Query (Q): A representation of the current element.
  2. Key (K): A representation used to compare with Queries of other elements.
  3. Value (V): The actual data associated with each element, which might be either the original element or a transformation of it.

These vectors interact through dot products, normalization (softmax), and weighted sum operations to generate the output sequence.


معالجة اللغات الطبيعية

  • Machine Translation: Self-attention is the backbone of transformer models like BERT and GPT that excel in translating text from one language to another. These models analyze input sentences as a whole, capturing long-range dependencies more effectively than traditional RNNs or LSTMs.

  • Text Generation: Models like OpenAI's GPT-4 utilize self-attention to generate coherent and contextually relevant text by focusing on various parts of the input text while generating each word.

  • Sentiment Analysis: Self-attention mechanisms in NLP models help in understanding the sentiment of a text by focusing on significant words and phrases that contribute most to the sentiment.

الرؤية الحاسوبية

  • Image Segmentation: Self-attention is used in models like the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to delineate objects within images accurately. This method enhances the recognition and segmentation of objects, even in complex scenes.

  • Object Detection: Techniques like Ultralytics YOLOv8 employ self-attention to refine object detection, improving the model's ability to focus on relevant parts of the image and ignore irrelevant background noise.

  • Pose Estimation: Self-attention mechanisms enable models to accurately predict human poses by focusing on the spatial relationships between different key points in the body.

أمثلة من العالم الحقيقي

  1. Google's BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): BERT uses self-attention to understand the context of words in all directions, which significantly improves performance on various NLP tasks.

  2. OpenAI's GPT Models: Self-attention is crucial for the GPT series, allowing the models to generate high-quality text by understanding the context within the input sequence.

الاختلافات الرئيسية عن المفاهيم ذات الصلة

آلية الانتباه الذاتي مقابل آلية الانتباه الذاتي

While both self-attention and general attention mechanisms aim to improve model performance by focusing on relevant parts of the data, self-attention refers specifically to intra-sequence attention, where the model's focus is entirely within the same input sequence. In contrast, general attention mechanisms like those used in encoder-decoder frameworks often operate between different sequences, such as an input and an output sequence in machine translation.

Self-Attention vs. Transformers

The transformer architecture is built upon the idea of self-attention, but it also incorporates other components like feed-forward neural networks and positional encoding. In essence, self-attention is a crucial element within the broader transformer model, supporting its ability to process data in parallel and handle long-range dependencies.


Self-attention has revolutionized the way modern AI models handle complex sequences of data, enabling breakthroughs in both NLP and computer vision domains. Its ability to weigh different parts of the input dynamically allows for a deeper understanding and more accurate predictions, contributing to advanced applications like Ultralytics YOLOv8 and transformer models.

For more insights on self-attention and its applications, explore the extensive resources available on Ultralytics HUB and stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in AI by engaging with Ultralytics' Blog.

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