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Ultralytics YOLO11 Has Arrived! Redefine What's Possible in AI!

Learn all about the groundbreaking features of Ultralytics YOLO11, our latest AI model redefining computer vision with unmatched accuracy and efficiency.

We're thrilled to introduce the next evolution of Ultralytics models: YOLO11! Building on the impressive advancements of previous YOLO model versions, YOLO11 brings a host of powerful features and optimizations that make it faster, more accurate, and incredibly versatile. Announced at the YOLO Vision 2024 (YV24) event, Ultralytics’ annual hybrid gathering of AI experts, innovators, and developers, this latest addition to the Ultralytics family is set to redefine what's possible with computer vision

With its innovative architecture, YOLO11 can be used for various computer vision tasks, from real-time object detection to classification, making it a game-changer for developers and researchers alike. Key improvements include enhanced feature extraction for more precise detail capture, greater accuracy with fewer parameters, and faster processing speeds that significantly improve real-time performance. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the features that make YOLO11 stand out and how it can transform your computer vision applications. Let’s get started!

Fig 1. Glenn Jocher on stage, announcing YOLO11 at YOLO Vision 24.

Getting to Know YOLO11

YOLO11 marks a new chapter for the YOLO family, offering a more capable and versatile model that takes computer vision to new heights. With its refined architecture and enhanced capabilities, the model supports computer vision tasks like pose estimation and instance segmentation that the Vision AI community has come to love about Ultralytics YOLOv8, but with even greater performance and precision. Glenn Jocher, Founder and CEO of Ultralytics, shared, “With YOLO11, we set out to develop a model that offers both power and practicality for real-world applications. Its improved efficiency and accuracy make it a robust tool that can be adapted to the unique challenges faced by various industries. I can’t wait to see how the Vision AI community uses YOLO11 to create innovative solutions and take computer vision to the next level.”

Fig 2. Glenn Jocher on stage, announcing YOLO11 at YV24.

Here’s a glimpse at the computer vision tasks that YOLO11 supports:

Fig 3. Computer Vision Tasks Supported By YOLO11.

What Sets YOLO11 Apart?

YOLO11 builds on the advancements introduced in YOLOv9 and YOLOv10 earlier this year, incorporating improved architectural designs, enhanced feature extraction techniques, and optimized training methods. What really makes YOLO11 stand out is its impressive combination of speed, accuracy, and efficiency, making it one of the most capable models Ultralytics has created so far. With an improved design, YOLO11 offers better feature extraction, which is the process of identifying important patterns and details from images, making it possible to capture intricate aspects more accurately, even in challenging scenarios.

Remarkably, YOLO11m achieves a higher mean Average Precision (mAP) score on the COCO dataset while using 22% fewer parameters than YOLOv8m, making it computationally lighter without sacrificing performance. This means it delivers more accurate results while being more efficient to run. On top of that, YOLO11 brings faster processing speeds, with inference times around 2% quicker than YOLOv10, making it ideal for real-time applications. 

Fig 4. Using YOLO11 for object detection.

It’s built to handle complex tasks while being easier on resources and designed to improve the performance of large-scale models, making it a great fit for demanding AI projects. Enhancements to the augmentation pipeline have also improved the training process, making it easier for YOLO11 to adapt to different tasks, whether you're working on small projects or large-scale applications. 

In fact, YOLO11 is highly efficient in terms of processing power and is perfectly suited for deployment on both cloud and edge devices, ensuring flexibility across different environments. To put it simply, YOLO11 isn’t merely an upgrade; it’s a significantly more accurate, efficient, and flexible model, better equipped to handle any computer vision challenge. Whether it's autonomous driving, surveillance, healthcare imaging, smart retail, or industrial use cases, YOLO11 is versatile enough to cater to almost any computer vision application.

YOLO11 is Ready for Your Systems and Platforms

YOLO11 is designed to seamlessly integrate with the systems and platforms you’re already using. Building on the support provided by YOLOv8, YOLO11 is compatible with a wide range of environments for training, testing, and deployment. Whether you're working with NVIDIA GPUs, edge devices, or deploying on cloud platforms, YOLO11 is optimized to fit into your workflow effortlessly.

These integrations are great add-ons that make YOLO11 adaptable to different industries, helping businesses easily implement the model in their existing processes. For example, let's say you want to use YOLO11 for agriculture, specifically for crop monitoring. You might need to deploy the model on drones to identify plant health issues in real time across large fields. However, if you’re in security, you might prefer using YOLO11 with a cloud-based system to monitor multiple camera feeds for object detection.

Fig 5. Using YOLO11 in agriculture.

Empowering the AI Community with YOLO11

The vision AI community can expect exciting advancements with the launch of YOLO11. Thanks to its enhanced accuracy and efficiency, this new model has the potential to transform existing applications and create new ones. A major factor in this progress is Ultralytics HUB. Ultralytics HUB is a user-friendly platform that simplifies the training and deployment of YOLO models, including YOLO11. 

Fig 6. Run YOLO11 Inferences on Ultralytics HUB.

Ultralytics HUB streamlines the development process by letting users upload datasets, access a range of pre-trained models, and manage their projects all in one place. The HUB also supports collaboration, making it easy for teams to work together on AI projects. Here are some of the other key features of Ultralytics HUB:

  • Cloud training: Ultralytics HUB offers seamless cloud-based model training for scalability and efficiency.
  • Pre-trained models: The platform provides access to a variety of pre-trained YOLOv5, YOLOv8, and YOLO11 models.
  • Model export: Trained models can be exported to various formats for deployment.
  • Integrations: Ultralytics HUB seamlessly integrates with platforms like Roboflow, Google Colab, and Weights & Biases.
  • Detailed documentation: Ultralytics HUB offers comprehensive guides and FAQs for user support.
  • Community support: An active Discord community is available for questions and discussions.

With the HUB’s intuitive design, both experienced developers and newcomers can quickly get started. As more developers use YOLO11 through the HUB, we can look forward to a surge in high-performance applications that push the boundaries of computer vision and shape the future of AI technology.

Get Hands-On With YOLO11

Just like YOLOv8, YOLO11 will soon be available to try out through Ultralytics HUB and the Ultralytics Python package. You can sign in to the HUB or check out our quickstart guide for step-by-step instructions on how to install the package. Once released, you'll be able to explore its features, experiment with different datasets, and see how YOLO11 performs in various scenarios. We can’t wait to see  the AI community engage with YOLO11 and contributing to its development, providing feedback, or building upon it.

Whether you’re a developer looking to optimize existing projects or someone interested in creating new applications, your involvement can help drive innovation. Join discussions, share your experiences, and collaborate with others to unlock the full potential of YOLO11. We’re excited to see how you use YOLO11 to tackle real-world challenges and bring your creative ideas to life!

A New Chapter Begins with YOLO11

YOLO11 is the next step forward in computer vision, combining impressive accuracy, speed, and efficiency. Announced at YV24, its advanced features make it versatile for various real-time applications, from autonomous vehicles to smart retail solutions. As the AI community begins to explore and use this model, we're excited to see the creative ways YOLO11 will drive innovation and bring new possibilities to life. If you are looking to explore the latest advancements in AI, try out YOLO11 and see how it can elevate your computer vision projects!

To learn more about AI, head to our GitHub repository and join our active community. Discover how AI is making strides in areas like healthcare and agriculture.

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