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Ultralytics' Key Highlights from Intel Ignite 2024!

Learn about Ultralytics' time at Intel Ignite 2024, including highlights of mentorship, in-person sessions in Munich, and public speaking.

Recently, Ultralytics had the amazing opportunity to be part of Intel Ignite Europe’s Spring 2024 cohort. Intel Ignite is a prestigious accelerator program for early-stage deep tech startups. Ultralytics was selected from over 300 applicants from 25 countries to join nine other innovative startups in the program from March to the end of July. Glenn Jocher, the Founder and CEO, along with Paula Derrenger, the Head of Growth, represented Ultralytics and had an amazing time gathering insights and learning from leaders in the startup space.

Fig 1. Ultralytics was one of the ten startups of Intel Ignite Europe’s Spring 2024 cohort.

Throughout the 12-week program, the team participated in weekly mentorship meetings, hands-on workshops, and traveled to Munich for in-person sessions that focused on key areas like public speaking and business strategy. Intel Ingite was a great experience that provided Ultralytics with invaluable guidance and helped the team refine its goals and prepare for future growth. In this article, we’ll share a glimpse of Intel Ignite from the team’s perspective and highlight the key insights and moments that made this program so valuable. Let’s get started!

Intel Ignite for Tech Entrepreneurs

Intel Ignite is a global accelerator program that supports early-stage deep-tech startups and aims to guide founders. Launched by Intel in 2019, the program is designed to help startups scale quickly by providing them with access to world-class mentorship, technical expertise, and business strategy guidance. The program runs for 12 weeks and is held twice a year in various locations, from Europe to the United States.

The program helps companies develop their products and strengthens the startup community by encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing. Startups that have been a part of Intel Ignite in the past have achieved success in areas like AI, semiconductor manufacturing, and robotics.

Key Speakers at Intel Ignite 2024

The Intel Ignite program was led by a team of four highly experienced professionals. Alois Eder, with his CTO background, provided technical guidance and was particularly knowledgeable about YOLO models. Kate Hach, with COO experience, played a vital role in organizing the logistics, coordinating the program’s activities, and helping make sure the program ran smoothly. Markus Bohl brought a business-focused perspective, delivering talks on essential topics like cap tables, investor relations, and strategic investments. Martha Ivanovas also focused on business topics and rounded out the leadership team by supporting the program in multiple aspects.

At the beginning of the program, Ultralytics was assigned a diverse group of six mentors, including two lead mentors, each of whom brought different perspectives and expertise to the table. The lead mentor, Bruna de Guimaraes, brought invaluable insights to Ultralytics, backed by her extensive experience as a COO, CTO, and product manager. Nikolai Solmsdorf also served as a lead mentor and made sure that the team stayed on track with their objectives. 

Highlights from Intel Ignite

Weekly meetings with mentors were a core part of the program. Along with these meetings, sessions with the four Intel Ignite leaders were focused on reviewing Ultralytics’ Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) that had been defined at the start of the program in areas like recruitment, product development, and sales. 

An interesting aspect of the program was the emphasis on evaluating these meetings. The team was encouraged to provide feedback on the various sessions to be able to track the improvements made over the 12 weeks. Along with remote meetings, every month, Glenn and Paula traveled to Munich for a week-long in-person session where all the startups in the cohort gathered. These sessions were packed with workshops, talks, and collaborative activities that fostered a strong sense of community and provided a platform to share knowledge and experiences with other startups. 

Week One of Intel Ignite at Munich

The first week of Intel Ignite was packed with activities and set an energetic tone for the program. It was kicked off with a pitch competition focused on startups and personal stories about how founders have gotten to where they are today. We’re proud to share that Ultralytics won round 1 of the pitch competition!

Public speaking was a big focus of week one, and exercises and pitches helped us improve our presentation skills to better connect with our audience. The team was guided by public speaking coaches like Florian Mueck.

Here are some of the public speaking exercises the team participated in:

  • 3-minute life story: The team had to condense our life story into a 3-minute pitch, focusing on key moments that shaped our journey as founders.
  • Sensory storytelling: The team practiced describing a memorable moment using vivid sensory details to make our story more engaging and relatable.
  • Peer feedback: After each exercise, the team received constructive feedback from our peers, that helped us identify strengths and areas for improvement in our delivery.
Fig 2. Paula Derrenger and Glenn Jocher taking part in a conversation at Intel Ignite.

Another memorable part of the first week was the visit to CELUS, an Intel Ignite Europe batch 1 alumni. Ultralytics had the chance to tour their office and hear directly from their CTO, Alexander Pohl. Alexander gave the team insight into how CELUS has grown since its time in the Intel Ignite program and shared both the challenges it has faced and the successes it has achieved. He also talked about how his role as a founder has evolved over time and gave a real-world perspective on what lies ahead. The visit to CELUS was incredibly motivating and showed Ultralytics firsthand what’s possible with the right guidance and determination. 

Week Two of Intel Ignite at Munich

Week 2 of Intel Ignite Europe’s Spring 2024 cohort was all about refining business strategies and focusing on product development. The team had in-depth mentoring sessions and workshops that offered tailored advice to help us tackle specific challenges. Mentors provided inputs to keep the team aligned with the defined OKRs and fine-tune Ultralytics product-market fit. Ultralytics also participated in workshops on sales, IP protection, and team management that gave the team fresh perspectives. 

Fig 3.  Glenn Jocher and Paula Derrenger attending insightful sessions.

Week Three of Intel Ignite at Munich

As the program drew to a close, Ultralytics focused on pulling together everything we’d learned and putting the final touches on strategies. The week was packed with valuable sessions that helped us fine-tune approaches and get ready for the future. The grand finale featured a pitch competition where all the startups showcased their progress. 

Ultralytics was honored with two special awards: one for completing the Intel Ignite Europe Batch #7 program and another for being the startup with the most buzz. These recognitions were a great way to wrap up the program and left the team feeling motivated and excited for what’s next.

Fig 4. Ultralytics was awarded “Startup with the Most Buzz.”

Intel Ignite Event Takeaways

One of the biggest takeaways from Ultralytics’ time at Intel Ignite was the importance of focus. Intel Ignite helped the team realize that while we’re good at moving fast and implementing ideas quickly, it’s important to have balance and not take on too much at once. The mentors encouraged us to keep things simple by focusing on the important tasks.

Intel Ignite also gave the team some great opportunities to grow. We were invited to the Intel AI Summit in London, where we showcased the team’s work and connected with industry leaders.

Fig 5. Glenn Jocher and Paula Derrenger with top AI industry experts and Intel thought leaders.


Intel Ignite left the team with valuable insights, sharpened strategies, and a renewed focus on what truly matters. The program pushed Ultralytics to refine its approaches, prioritize efforts, and build a stronger foundation for the future. From winning awards to making key industry connections, the team’s time at Intel Ignite has set the stage for Ultralytics to keep pushing the boundaries of AI technology. We’re excited to carry this momentum forward and explore new opportunities in the tech world.

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