Drag-and-drop your data, do some tweaks — and voilà, a new powerful AI tool is born
Trusted by the world's leading organizations
Train machine learning models in seconds
Select from pre-built vision models and templates
Test your computer vision models on your mobile device
Deploy custom models to almost any format
Drag and drop your dataset directly from your device
Zip up your images to create a dataset and upload it on the platform to train and grow your AI model
Select your configurations — and let the AI do the rest
Depending on the specific problem you are trying to solve, select a task and a mode for your AI model
Deploy your model
to the real world
Export your model to almost any format (TensorFlow, ONNX, CoreML and more), run models directly on your smartphone and host them in your products.
Ultralytics YOLO is our smart tool that's like a Harvard student — highly intelligent and always eager to learn. Just create a class schedule for it to grow!
3M models trained per day
Ultralytics Python package
500M images analyzed per day
Ultralytics Python package
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