We are Ultralytics, and we’re here to make AI easy. Our purpose is to make model development accessible, efficient to train, and easy to deploy. It’s been a remarkable journey, but we’re just getting started.
To create a future where every person, regardless of means or background, has equal access to transformative AI, enabling them to seize opportunities and shape their own path. Aware that our time is finite, we strive to make a lasting impact that benefits future generations.
To move the world forward by first moving ourselves, continuously pushing the boundaries of AI through relentless execution, creating the world's best open-source solutions that benefit everyone equally and empower individuals to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.
Right now, Ultralytics open-source repositories have more than 100K stars on GitHub! Three years after the first release, we are thrilled that the community loves our technology as much as we do. It's been amazing to see all of the use cases you've come up with, and we've excited to see how you change the world with YOLO.
At this time, we have over 750+ contributors to our open-source efforts. Without the support of the community and contributors, Ultralytics YOLO would not be what it is today.
Did you know that 6% of Ultralytics YOLO users are high school students? And, we even have some users who are in middle school.