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WAICF 2022: A Future With AI is a Promising One

Explore AI's potential for social good with Ultralytics: from combating cyberbullying and aiding senior care to shaping future AI tech for humanitarian use.

Imagine if we could use technology to solve society's biggest problems the same way, by letting our computers do the hard work for us. Imagine if artificial intelligence could help us understand and prevent cyberbullying. Or find and stop human traffickers. Or look after our elders so they can live with dignity and independence.

Be it mental health or senior care, many of the issues that we face have no clear-cut solution. As it stands, these problems are largely out of reach, in a place that requires highly complex solutions. However, AI can overcome these difficult obstacles. Humans can be limited by our perceived notions of what is possible and what is realistically achievable, but AI has opened up the world to so many more possibilities.

AI Use Cases For Good

This April, we traveled to Cannes, France to attend the World AI Cannes Festival to network and learn more about our industry and the use cases of AI. We had the privilege to listen to industry leaders discuss their approaches to using their technology to solve society’s core problems. At WAICF, one of our favorite talks we attended was "AI and Society - Senior Care, Mental Health, Human Trafficking, Cyberbullying, and Climate Change.” In this talk, we listened to the speakers discuss how AI is much more than a tool that optimizes business processes, it is a way to make people’s lives better.

AI to Fight Cyberbullying

A prime example of this AI for good is the application of AI for detecting toxic content online. Bodyguard is an application developed for keeping online communities respectful and positive. The values driving the development and adoption of this product are ethics and empowerment. Charles Cohen, the founder and CEO of Bodyguard, spoke on the importance of both protecting children who are vulnerable to cyberbullying while promoting free speech and self-expression.

AI to Reshape Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Another great example is SafelyYou, a company that leverages AI to reduce the occurrence and frequency of falls in Alzheimer’s patients. After witnessing his grandmother’s and aunt’s experiences with Alzheimer’s, Founder and CEO George Netscher reasoned that his mother had about 10 years before she could also first start developing symptoms. With this in mind, George created SafelyYou to reshape Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care with the help of cutting-edge technology.

Ultralytics YOLOv5 and the Future of Visual AI

On Friday, Glenn gave the workshop Simpler, Smarter, Further: YOLOv5 and the Future of Visual AI. Here, Glenn discussed the ways in which YOLOv5 is being used for good. From SOWIT implementing our object detection technology to assist farmers in Morocco in easily carrying out crop yield estimation to breast tumor detection and classification, YOLOv5 has been proven to be effective in facilitating users from around the world to use AI to solve society’s problems.

What’s Next for Ultralytics?

As mentioned before, part of our Ultralytics core values is providing highly effective, simple, and easy-to-use AI for everybody. We believe that with AI if it is not for everyone who wants to use it, it is not worth it. While we further develop our no-code object detection tool, Ultralytics HUB, we will continue attending conferences, networking, and looking for inspiration from other successful companies doing good in the space.

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