Celebrate 20k+ stars on Ultralytics YOLOv5 GitHub repo! Join our mission to democratize AI with YOLOv5 - accessible, innovative object detection. 🚀 #AICommunity #VisionAI
This week we hit 20k stars on our Ultralytics YOLOv5 repository! 🥳 We are highly delighted to have an amazing GitHub community that never stops creating!
Edit: in mid-February, with more than 22.4k GitHub stars, we have surpassed one of the best AI repos of all time, Joseph Redmon's original Darknet, which formed the foundation of YOLOv1 through YOLOv3.
Inspired by our own challenges to complete MLOps processes easily, we worked hard from the very beginning to create AI architectures that would make everyone's lives easier. Our family of open-source object detection architecture and models, YOLOv5 is the result of our strong passion for AI, hours of sleepless nights, uncountable cups of coffee... And a large number of visionary AI enthusiasts who recognized the capabilities of Computer Vision and joined us down the road! Ultralytics' journey would have not been the same if it weren't for all of you, who made it all possible.
What a fortunate team we are to share our vision of simple AI with you all. Today, we want to give you a shoutout for taking part in making AI as easy and transparent as possible. With more than 200 contributors, we make the AI of the future. By promoting accessibility and ease of use to AI tools, Ultralytics wants to give a chance for everyone to become a revolutionary of the 21st century. We cannot hide our gratefulness after watching such a tremendous amount of innovators gathering their forces towards the same goal - harnessing the power of Vision AI.
This past year it has been our pleasure to create and release the world's most loved computer vision AI. Your commitment is what motivates us to keep increasing our constant efforts and deliver successful AI solutions for you to have fun with. With more than 7k forks, even GitHub is amazed by our valuable network!
You have helped us make the repository an objected detection learning hub for anyone to start digging into the potential of AI. At the same time, we have joined our forces to create Ultralytics HUB, a place where you could do everything you can with YOLOv5, and much more - with no code involved! We are more than excited to be sharing the outcome with you soon. Now, we want to give you exclusive beta access so you can start exploring and participate actively in the creation of Ultralytics HUB. Each week, we will reward the most interesting YOLOv5 use cases with early access to our powerful platform. Make sure you share your YOLOv5 stories together with the #ultralyticsyolov5 hashtag and don't forget to mention our account @ultralytics so we could look into them!
Thank you for the abundant dedication! We look forward to what we will accomplish together in 2022. Onward and upward! 🚀
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