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27 septembre 2024
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Segmentation sémantique

Deep dive into semantic segmentation in computer vision. Enhance AI projects with pixel-level precision. Applications, tools, and models explained.

Semantic segmentation is a critical technique in computer vision, essential for tasks that involve understanding and interpreting images at the pixel level. This process involves segmenting an image into regions corresponding to different classes and assigning a class label to each pixel. Unlike object detection, which identifies and labels objects with bounding boxes, semantic segmentation provides a more granular, pixel-precise classification.

Concepts clés

Definition And Relevance

Semantic segmentation classifies each pixel in an image into a predetermined category. This is particularly useful for applications requiring detailed scene understanding, such as autonomous driving and medical imaging. This technique helps in distinguishing between multiple objects of the same class within a scene, facilitating specific tasks like object detection but with more precision.

Concepts apparentés

  • Instance Segmentation: Unlike semantic segmentation, which does not differentiate between instances of the same class, instance segmentation assigns different labels to different instances of the same category. Learn more about instance segmentation.
  • Panoptic Segmentation: Combines the functionalities of semantic and instance segmentation by providing pixel-wise labeling for both instance-specific and class-specific details. Discover panoptic segmentation.

Informations techniques

Comment ça marche

Semantic segmentation uses deep learning models, notably Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and their advanced architectures. Models like Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) transform the standard CNN by replacing fully connected layers with convolutional layers that output spatial heatmaps rather than classification scores. This allows for pixel-wise predictions.

Recent advancements integrate attention mechanisms and transformer models, increasing segmentation accuracy by focusing on relevant parts of an image.


Conduite autonome

Semantic segmentation is vital in understanding the urban environment's complexities, helping autonomous vehicles interpret surroundings accurately for tasks such as lane detection, pedestrian recognition, and obstacle avoidance. Discover AI in self-driving applications.

Imagerie médicale

In healthcare, semantic segmentation facilitates precise tumor detection from medical scans like MRIs and CTs, aiding diagnostics and treatment planning. Explore AI's impact in healthcare.

Examples of Semantic Segmentation in AI/ML

Example 1: DeepLabV3+

DeepLabV3+, developed by Google, improves image segmentation with atrous (dilated) convolutions. It has been applied effectively in autonomous driving and medical imaging to produce highly accurate segmentation maps.

Example 2: SegNet

SegNet is an encoder-decoder architecture particularly effective for road scenes, mapping each class to its respective region in the image. This model has seen applications in urban planning and autonomous driving.

Outils et ressources

Ultralytics HUB

Ultralytics HUB offers a streamlined platform to train, manage, and deploy semantic segmentation models without requiring extensive coding expertise. Users can leverage pre-trained models and customize them for specific tasks. Learn more about Ultralytics HUB.

Ressources externes

  • Google AI Blog: Insights and advancements on semantic segmentation strategies. Visit Google AI Blog.
  • ArXiv: Access research papers on semantic segmentation. Explore ArXiv.

Distinguer les termes apparentés

Object Detection vs. Semantic Segmentation

While object detection identifies objects within bounding boxes, semantic segmentation provides a detailed, pixel-level classification. This distinction is significant in applications where the context and precise shape of objects are critical.

Instance Segmentation vs. Semantic Segmentation

Instance segmentation extends semantic segmentation by distinguishing between different instances of the same class, crucial for applications needing individual instance recognition.

By understanding these distinctions and applications, users can effectively employ semantic segmentation in diverse scenarios, enhancing the granularity and accuracy of image interpretations in AI and machine learning projects. For further reading and practical tutorials, explore the Ultralytics Blog.

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