물체 감지

Unlock the power of object detection with Ultralytics. Learn key concepts, metrics, and architectures to enhance your AI projects. Explore now!

Object detection is a crucial computer vision task that involves identifying and locating objects within an image or video. Unlike image classification, which only predicts the presence of an object, object detection also provides the spatial location of these objects. This is typically represented using bounding boxes around detected items.

주요 개념

Image Classification vs. Object Detection

  • Image Classification: Determines if a particular object is present in the image.
  • Object Detection: Identifies multiple objects in an image and provides their locations using bounding boxes.

바운딩 박스

A bounding box is a rectangle used to highlight the position of an object in an image. It is defined by its coordinates (x, y), width, and height.

Intersection Over Union (IoU)

IoU is a metric used to evaluate the accuracy of an object detector by comparing the overlap between the predicted bounding box and the ground truth.

평균 평균 정밀도(mAP)

mAP is a standard metric for measuring the accuracy of object detection models, taking into account IoU and precision-recall curves across multiple classes.

객체 감지 아키텍처

One-Stage vs. Two-Stage Detectors

  • One-Stage Detectors (e.g., YOLO, SSD): Perform object localization and classification in a single step, offering faster inference speeds but sometimes at the cost of accuracy.
  • Two-Stage Detectors (e.g., Faster R-CNN): Involve a region proposal stage followed by object classification, often achieving higher accuracy but with potentially slower inference times.

앵커 기반 감지기와 앵커 프리 감지기의 차이점

  • Anchor-Based Detectors: Utilize predefined boxes (anchors) for object detection, improving localization accuracy.
  • Anchor-Free Detectors: Predict object boundaries directly without predefined anchors, often resulting in simpler models and faster training times.

실제 애플리케이션

자율 주행 차량

Object detection is critical in autonomous vehicles for detecting pedestrians, other vehicles, road signs, and obstacles. By integrating object detection models like Ultralytics YOLOv8, autonomous systems can make real-time decisions to navigate safely.

Explore AI in Self-Driving Technology

건강 관리

In healthcare, object detection aids in identifying tumors in medical images, counting cells in microscopic images, and more. For instance, detecting abnormalities in radiology images can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy and speed.

AI in Radiology


Retail environments use object detection for inventory management and customer behavior analysis. By employing real-time tracking, stores can optimize stock levels and enhance customer experiences through personalized services.

AI를 통한 리테일 효율성 달성


Wildlife Conservation

Using models like YOLOv5, wildlife conservationists can monitor species in their natural habitat, track animal movements, and identify poaching activities, thereby aiding in environmental protection efforts.

Wildlife Conservation with YOLOv5


In manufacturing, object detection is used for quality control, inspecting products for defects, and ensuring assembly line efficiency. Vision AI systems can detect flaws in real-time, reducing waste and increasing productivity.

AI in Manufacturing

Integrating Object Detection with Ultralytics HUB

Ultralytics HUB offers a seamless platform for training, deploying, and managing object detection models. With user-friendly features and powerful computing resources, it's ideal for both beginners and professionals looking to leverage vision AI technologies.

Discover Ultralytics HUB

추가 학습

To delve deeper into object detection and its applications, consider exploring these resources:

Object detection is a transformative technology with applications spanning numerous industries. By understanding its core concepts and exploring real-world examples, you can harness its potential to solve complex problems and drive innovation. Whether through autonomous vehicles or advanced medical imaging, the capabilities of object detection continue to expand, driven by cutting-edge models and platforms like Ultralytics YOLO and Ultralytics HUB.

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